can you juice berries

Can You Juice Berries? How to Make Berry Juice

Some fruits are easy to juice and some are not. For example, pineapples are very hard to juice because first, you need to cut the shell out and do pre-processing on the pineapple so it is in a juiceable size. However, if you are a hard juicer, you will not care about this. In this article, we will answer the question “Can you juice berries?”. The best part about berry juicing is, that you do not need to do any pre-processing on them. They do not have any big inner cores, their flesh is very soft and they are very rich in water.

Since the flesh is very soft, it might turn into a puree if you try to juice them using the wrong method. You will also learn how to juice berries without using any equipment. Juice output of berries is very low when compared to other fruits like oranges or apples. That is why you will need lots of berries to produce enough berry juice. As a workaround solution, you can throw some strawberries on top of berries. This will result in a much higher juice output and will make the juice taste even better! Strawberries have a very distinctive flavor and texture. The juice can also be mixed with apple and melon juice. Blueberry juice is used very often in smoothies.

Superfoods are foods with extraordinary nutritional value and berries are one of them! They contain many antioxidants and vitamins. Juicing strawberries is one of the best ways to take the necessary nutrients as part of the Daily Value (DV). Half a cup of strawberries equals to a half cup of juice.

Things to Consider About Equipment

You need to be very careful if you are going to juice soft-textured fruits with centrifugal juicers.

Centrifugal juicers are very good at juicing soft-textured fruits e.g. blueberries, raspberries, etc. This is mainly because centrifugal juicers have large grills and operate at high speeds. This being said, you should also add some strawberries, seedless fruit pieces, and cherries without their seeds into the juice to improve the flavor and get more nutrients out of your morning juice.

You may want to use just one juicer without extra equipment. I think a chewing juicer should be preferred instead of a centrifugal juicer. To take a look at some best centrifugal juicers, be sure to take a look at our best orange juicer reviews.

There are also other ways to juice fruits or vegetables. If you are okay with using extra kitchen equipment, you should blend the ingredients in a blender first. That way, the flavor and the taste of all the ingredients are absorbed by the juice. Let the blend sit in the fridge for a few days and then you can add the blend into a juicer in your kitchen.

Is Water Added Into Berry Juice?

Absolutely not! When mixed with water, juices normally tend to lose their taste and texture. This is something that we definitely do not want because we want your juice to be nutritious, but tasty as well. If you find it difficult to get your hands on a big amount of single type berries, you can mix them to make more juice. It is going to taste very good also. Mixing strawberries and raspberries make a very good combination. Another good combination is done by mixing blueberries and blackberries. If you are wondering what are the benefits of fruit juice, check out the article about the benefits of pomegranate juice.

How to juice berries without using any equipment?

First of all, do not forget to wash the ingredients. After that, you can remove the stem or leaves if there are any. Add all your berries into a pan, add a glass of water and bring them to a boil. When the mix starts to boil, put the pan on low heat and keep cooking until you get a soft texture. Strain the mix using a jelly bad or multiple layers of cheesecloth. Add half a cup of sugar for every 8 cups of juice. You can also use honey to sweeten the juice. That way it is even healthier! 🙂

Put the mix back on the pan on high heat, stir for a few minutes, and remove the pan from the heat after you see some movements in the pan. Do NOT let the juice boil. Divide the mix into jars and close their lids with some space left in them. After that, put the jars in a pan with hot water and cook them for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, you can take the jars from the pan, leave them to cool down at room temperature. When they cool down, you can put the jars in a fridge and consume them after they are cold. Bon appetit!

Which Berries Are Best For Juicing?

which berries can be juiced

Berries always have been very popular in Europe. The phytochemical composition of berries makes the industry demand them, even more, each day. They have a very unique flavor and very saturated color, which make them an excellent ingredient for blending, juices, and cocktails. The most known and consumed berry varieties in the USA are blueberries and cranberries.

Berries are characterized by their very soft flesh and pulp and no cores inside them. This makes them an excellent option for direct consuming and blending or juicing. They have very small seeds that can easily be separated by any type of juicer. The downside of berries is, that they grow very near to the ground, thus making it very easy for them to be contaminated. The fruit can easily be eaten by insects and be physically damaged. Since the fruits are very small, it is very hard to separate the good ones from the bad.

There are many people out there that enjoy berry drinks, and since you are reading this article, you are one of them already. Berry juices are “vitamin juices” and they are not only very tasty but also extremely nutritious. You can make vitamin juices from mixing blueberries, raspberries and maybe rosehip juices. Boil the berries, and you will be able to prepare very nice fruit concentrates that you can consume all year long.

In the previous chapter, you can see the instructions on how to juice berries without using any equipment. On the hot summer days, berry juice with a little mint flavor and ice is exactly what you need to cool off!


Strawberries are a great source of beta-carotene and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, and E. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. The nutrients in strawberries help support eye health and reduce the risk of yellow spot disease. Strawberries also contain antioxidants like phenols which are very good at detoxifying your body. Strawberries can help prevent some cancer types like liver cancer.

These berries are a very good option for you if you are on a weight loss diet. Strawberries are very low in calories despite their taste, containing an average amount of 54 calories in a cup. Scientists think that anthocyanins within strawberries can stimulate the body to burn up stored fat cells.


black berry

Blackberries do look very delicious! I can just eat half a kilo without getting full. But, not only they are tasty and they look good, they also have many health benefits. They are very rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and C. These are all very important nutrients that you need to take regularly to boost your immune system. According to a study, blackberries are excellent fighters against oral and colon cancer cells. Another substance which can be found in blackberries, ellagic acid, is used to kill cancer cells in laboratories.


blue berry

Blueberries are rich in folic acid, calcium, magnesium, biotin, and vitamins B1, B2 and vitamin C. Anthocyanins are an antioxidant found in blueberries and blackberries. Blueberries can be consumed either directly or as blueberry juice. Anthocyanins support cardiovascular health by protecting the walls of our arteries from cell damage caused by free radicals. One study showed that anthocyanins can help prevent Parkinson’s disease. Blueberry juice is also one of the most popular ingredients for smoothies. If you are looking for some blenders to make smoothies with, be sure to check out our Quiet Blender article.


Blueberries are a source of antioxidants called anthocyanidins. Blueberries are fruits that contain the highest levels of these antioxidants which are good for human health. This antioxidant helps to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, as well as prevent cancer, eye diseases, and other diseases. Blueberries can improve blood circulation and help conditions like hemorrhoids and varicose veins.



Raspberries are excellent sources of vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. C and manganese help support wound healing. K supports healthy blood clotting when there is a wound. Vitamin K also helps bone growth.

Can you juice berries? – Conclusion

So, now you know how to juice berries. After you make the juice, you can boil it to increase density like a syrup to be used later. In cold winter days, drinking berry juice will make you remember of the nice summer days. It is also important to get the necessary vitamins and minerals during winter to strengthen your immune system. Daily consumption of berry juice is recommended.

Be sure to check our other articles for more information about juices, blenders, and foods that start with series! Many more under our Foodcyclopedia!

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